Benefits of exercise

From many researches it come to know that games have very healthy effect on our brain. But it is not clear that which exercise is more benefitial for us. From the recent research it come to know that different exercises have different effect on our brain. Whether it is running or weight lossing,exercise help in development of brain.
       In a research,on group of rats it is found that RUNNING is best exercise for mind and body.It gives more relaxation and make you feel stress free all day.By running about 30 minutes daily removes toxins from your body and body feels energetic all day.If you are doing weight lifting start running in will feel better result in very short time.
       If you feel tiered while working,then running will be benefitial for you.Here are some benefits of running mentioned below.

1.Running makes you happy

No matter how stressed you are feeling on given moment.If you are regular with exercise you must have noticed that exercise gives you relaxation and you forget all about your worries for some time.In a study researchers found that even a single bout of exercise -30 minutes of walk can lift the mood of someone suffering from major depressive order.Exercise protects you against anxiety and depression.Moderate exercise may help people cope with anxiety and depression.A 2012 study proved that just 30 minutes of running during the week for three weeks boost up your sleep quality,mood and concentration during a day.

2.Running can reduce your risk of cancer

Running may not cure cancer,but there's plenty of proofs that it helps prevent it.Cancer is spreading very fast all over the world.That's really a very bad news.Also it can not be prevented easily.I understand that today's life is very busy,and people don't have time even for themselves.If you say that you are doing this hard work for happiness of your family,then m sorry my friend you are wrong.
You should change your lifestyle and have to find time for your health.You are real happiness of your family.So take care of yourself by doing exercise and running daily.

3.Running adds years to your life

Even if you do running only for 30 minutes daily,you'll live longer.A study shows that when different types of people started exercising,they lived longer.Cancer survivors extended their lives by 5.3 years.Those with heart disease gained 4.3 years.

4.Running strengthens your knees and other joints and muscles

Numbers of facts proves that running is very helpful for health.It increases the STOP THINKING AND START RUNNING DAILY

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